Monday, April 11, 2016

God see's what the World doesn't

Looking in the mirror and what do you see? Bumps, blemishes, thin eyebrows, hair on your face, freckles, dark circles, and the list of imperfections goes on and on. As you stare at yourself you start to wonder if he could love you for how you are. But because you don't like what you see you draw on your eyebrows, put makeup on, get waxed, and fix yourself up thinking he will except you and find you beautiful. So the guy you have been talking to and falling in love with finally takes you out on the date that you've been praying he would take you out on. Ya'll have fun and he proceeds to tell you how much he likes you, how beautiful you are, and he can't wait until the next date. He brings you home then he ask if he can come in. Because you are so happy, you enjoyed his time with you, and he complimented you all night so you decide to let him come in. The compliments continue then one thing leads to another and y'all have sex. As soon as it's over he gets dress to leave. Before he goes he tells you how amazing the night was and will call later. Your gleaming from ear to ear. As you wait on his call weeks past and you hear nothing. You text him leave messages and still no response. As you wreck your brain trying to figure out what went wrong you begin to question your looks again and start to disvalue yourself. Then out of the blue he texts you back and says "what's up?" Those two words already makes you feel like he is bothered but you proceed to text back because you want answers. So you ask the standard questions to beat around the bush. Then you finally ask why hadn't he called or text back and he says, you're a sweet girl, you are fun, but he not ready for a relationship. All you can do is look at the phone and say wow, I did all this so he could notice me so he could like me and fall in love with me and it wasn't good enough.

How many of you can honestly say this has been you or a friend you know? How many times have tried to transform yourself so a man or the world could see you and accept you? You spend tons of money on clothes, makeup, and other things so that you could be noticed and fit in but in the end you're disappointed and realize its wasn't good enough. We get so lost in what is considered attractive to others that we forget about who we really are in the inside.

What if we put that same effort into making our hearts beautiful for God. Close your eyes and image what your heart looks like?  Is it bumped, bruised, torn, dark, and hurt? We spend so much time trying to make our outward appearances look good for people and the world we forget about our hearts. It is so important to  take care of our hearts first so that people can see our hearts not our bodies and our appearance.

So how can we work on repairing the damage to out hearts and make it acceptable for God? Well we have to start by having a heart of repentance, a heart filled with self love and love for others God will never judge you like the world does. God always sees out hearts. The world sees beauty. Beauty is not lasting but a spirit filled with love for God will last always (Proverbs 31:30 (NLT) Charm is deceptive, and beauty does not last; but a woman who fears the lord will be greatly praised).

I challenge you today to take time to focus on your heart. If it is hurting allow God to fix it, ask Him to show you how to make it beautiful and full of love again (Psalms 51:10 (NLT) Create in me a clean heart, O God. Renew a loyal spirit within me. ). When a person sees your heart they see the Glory of the Lord. A beautiful heart outweighs all the MAC cosmetics, false eyelashes, and designer clothes.

But God told Samuel, “Looks aren’t everything. Don’t be impressed with his looks and stature. I’ve already eliminated him. God judges persons differently than humans do. Men and women look at the face; God looks into the heart.”

Sunday, April 10, 2016

Don't Conform

Good morning! Renew your mind daily through prayer, reading Gods Word, and surround yourself with encouraging people. This will keep you in touch with the things of God not the world   

Sunday, April 3, 2016


Choose your words wisely! You never know how your words can effect someone. Great one another with love, speak words of encouragement, build each other up, and always ask if you can pray@for the or with them! Remember God is still in the business of changing lives let Him transform you!!!