Thursday, March 24, 2016

MiniPost: The battle of flesh & spirit

“So I say, let the Holy Spirit guide your lives. Then you won’t be doing what your sinful nature craves. The sinful nature wants to do evil, which is just the opposite of what the Spirit wants. And the Spirit gives us desires that are the opposite of what the sinful nature desires. These two forces are constantly fighting each other, so you are not free to carry out your good intentions.”
Galatians 5:16-17 NLT

Monday, March 21, 2016

Faith & Endurance and Listening & Doing

Ask God in faith for what you need & through your faith in Him you can endure any obstacles. And as you wait you must learn to be silent and listen to the Word that He puts in your heart then do what He instructs you to do. #AskInFaith #Endure #ListenMoreSpeakLess #DoAsTheLordCommannds

Monday, March 14, 2016

When the World says "No", God says "Yes".

I know this saying all so well! I was raised by my mom and had a praying grandma. I am a faith driven woman through my personal relationship with God. I have made a lot of mistakes in life, but God's grace kept me and then built my muscle. At the age of 19, I got pregnant with my oldest son. LITTLE DID I KNOW THEN THAT THIS WOULD SAVE MY LIFE SPIRITUALLY.  I was in college and was blessed with a talent of doing nails. I worked in a salon and had a large clientele. The people around me thought that my life would come to a screeching halt, but God knew this was just the beginning for me. It was time to "Woman Up"!  My life took a sudden turn; it seemed as if anything that could go wrong did. Relationships,money, etc.  Bamm! What do I do now? Determined to finish school, I pressed on. I knew that I never wanted to work in corporate America. I made a promise to myself that I would not allow myself to be influenced by people who told me to drop out of school and get on social services and live according to what society thought a Black young female should. I knew that wasn’t God’s will for me. I fell on my knees and prayed to God. LORD PLEASE HELP ME! GIVE ME THE STRENGTH TO MAKE IT WITH YOU and show the world that with you all things are possible. It was a nice day and my mom kept asking me to go to this woman's conference at my home church. I wasn't going to go but then the spirit led me to go. On the way there I got a speeding ticket and almost turned around. I pressed on. I was about 6 months pregnant and the speaker Rev. Sybil Jones laid hands on my stomachprayed and prophesied over me and my baby boy.  She said that God had an amazing future for me and my children of the future. The last thing I knew, they were picking me up off the floor.  She told me to study the Prayer of Jabez and gave me my first journal. That changed my life.  I will be 40 this year, with 3 sons ages 25 (stepson), 19 and 17 and 2 beautiful girls age 9 and 1. To this very day, I still journalize every morning and night. Habakkuk 2:2

It is through my journal that the Lord has spoken to me and instructed me to do things that only with Him could ever be done!

I must say that journalizing keeps your mind fixed on your conversation with God because your mind is focusing on writing and listening to him. Your mind has a better chance of focusing on him.

I am BLESSED to testify that No weapons formed against me prospered Isaiah 54:17. 

I graduated from college, married and raised my children as a family with a supportive father and husband in the home. Started multiple successful salons, never having to get a loan to this very day. Partnered with awesome mentors, owner of successful cosmetology school/spas, traveling celebrity nail technician, instructor for large nail companies. Invested in real estate, became a real estate agent. Owner/Associate Broker of a successful real estate company.

My biggest failure was when my husband and I opened a club in North Carolina.  It did great for a while then we got caught up in the fame of having a club, the money and the wild life, which went against our business plan. We were out of line with God.  It cost us our business, our marriage and our home. You name it,we lost it. Parting was devastating to us and the kids. We were broken and lost. 

Then is when I truly experienced GOD'S GRACE!! 

I focused on Philippians 4:13 I can do all things through God that strengthens me.
I knew I had to pick myself up and "WOMAN UP" because I had my kids that needed me to survive.  I brushed my shoulders off and started once again. On my knees, journalizing and believing Gods promises I relocated my salon, opened another Men's Spa, and was still able to Co-own my real estate company. With God all things are possible. Your thoughts become things, all you have to do is think positive thoughts and put all your Focus on God.  I am a living testimony that when all the odds were against me. I put my trust in God and the sky has been the limit. I am no better than anyone reading this. This is your time to make a difference and show the world how good God is.  We have the same blood running through us and the same 24 hours in a day. Get up and make it happen! Don't let the enemy have you bound and thinking you can't do it because again, you can do all things through Christ who strengthens you

I am currently working on a huge project that I will be launching next year! Stay tuned.

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Saturday, March 12, 2016

The Seed

As a child I was told by someone that raised me (not my parents) that I would never have any friends. This negative seed was planted into my heart and mind almost daily at a very early age. This was told to me during a time in my life when I was impressionable and easily influenced by someone I respected and loved.

As I got older and started to build friendships and relationships with people, that small statement would always be in the back of my mind. So as I would meet people I would always find myself giving my all to people just so they would want to be my friend and love me. As time passed and I became a young adult this mindset would prove to be unhealthy for me emotionally and sometimes physically. I found myself getting into mentally and physically abusive relationships with men and becoming friends with people that had hidden agendas just so I could prove that people would be my friend and love me.

Years passed and I felt empty. I couldn't understand why I was feeling hurt and disappointment over and over again. Then one day I was in my apartment by myself crying and asking God why am I so unhappy. I kept telling myself I was doing everything to make people like me but I still felt incomplete. Then one day I thought I figured it out. I realized that I had allowed that negative seed that was planted in me when I was a child to manifest. I allowed that bad seed to grow and take over my mind and almost my life.

Once I realized the root cause, I started to dig up the roots of that seed that was planted so deep inside of me. It was hard trust me but I tried. I would think that I had removed all the bad roots but some of the weeds would try to sprout back up. So I would find myself right back to square one. Then I received a revelation and I truly realized I couldn't do it without God. I had to become a new person and let my old ways go away (2 Corinthians 5:17) .

So in order for me to change myself I needed to treat myself like a garden. I needed to uproot all the bad seeds that I held onto and start over with a new foundation that would allow me to see Gods best for me.
  • Plant in a sunny location. = Allow Gods light to shine on and in me.
  • Plant in good soil. = Find me a church that would help me receive the Word.
  • Space your crops properly.= Distance myself from toxic people and things. 
  • Buy high-quality seeds. = Read the Word daily
    Today I can truly say that I am happy, blessed, and with Jesus I'll always have a friend!!!!
    Gods Word says: Matthew 13:8-Still other seeds fell on fertile soil, and they produced a crop that was thirty, sixty, and even a hundred times as much as had been planted!
    We must allow Gods Word to always fall on fertile ground so it can produce blessings and not curses, happiness not doubt, love and not pain.
    This is myTestimony.
    What's yours?
    Will you allow God to use you?
    (if you would like to share your testimony just fill out the contact section)

    Friday, March 11, 2016

    Gods voice over everything!!!!!

    Listen to the Word of God. His Word NEVER fails!!! #womanofgod #godsgirl #wog #realwomanworship #iLuvGod #Jesus

    Wednesday, March 9, 2016

    Featured Woman Of God Eboni Rufus

    HerTestimony is honored to feature #RVA's #WomanOfGod #MotherOf5 #Entrepreneur #BusinessOwner Eboni Rufus on my blog Monday 3/14. She will be sharing her personal testimony. Please make sure you mark your calendars!!! This WOG has an amazing testimony that will uplift you, inspire you, and encourage your spirit!!!

    Tuesday, March 1, 2016

    The Purpose

    ““I know that You can do everything, And that no purpose of Yours can be withheld from You.”
    Job 42:2 NKJV

    Everyone's life has purpose. God knows our purpose before we are even born. Some of us run from it, some of us fear it, some of us walk right into it, and for some of us it takes a lifetime before we walk in it.

    For me my purpose has always been a part of who I was but I didn't realize how my purpose would change my life and help encourage others.

    My journey reminds me of the journey that the Hebrews took from Mount Sinai to Kadesh-barnea. This was an 11 day journey but it took the Hebrews 40 years (Deuteronomy 1:2-3).

    At the age of 42 I have finally made it to the place God has purposed me to be at this appointed time in my life. Similar to the Hebrews I wanted to follow God when everything was going good but when obstacles arouse I found myself following the ways of the world. Following the world gave me temporary satisfaction and happiness but it never lasted long. I would find myself repeating the same bad habits; bad relationships with men (boys), one-sided friendships, jobs I didn’t like, and the list goes on.

    During this time I was in church, my body was there but not my spirit. I received the Word of God but I didn’t allow God to receive me. My spirit was broken and it just always seemed like I was never happy. I did a good job for the most part masking my unhappiness but when I was in the privacy of my home I cried and asked God why me, I’m a good person, I’m always helping everyone else. 

    As years pasted and I kept repeating the same cycle saying “this year is my year.” Then one day I received a revelation in my life. God led someone to me that would help me understand my purpose and show me that all God wanted from me was my broken spirit (Psalms 51:17). Once I surrendered to the Lord and found myself a church that helped me understand the word I finally saw what my purpose was. It was actually revealed to me before then but I had to allow God to work on me and help me get a better understanding of the word (trust me He’s still working on me).

    So once my purpose was clear, God revealed to me that through my personal testimonies it would allow God's light to shine and help encourage women to give their broken spirit to Him and He would do the rest. And that is how HerTestimony was birthed.

    Through this spiritual based blog, I will be sharing a variety of testimonies, some of them mine, some from other women, and some based on scriptures in the bible.

    My purpose is to be used by God. My purpose is to give Him all the glory and honor in everything I do. What is your purpose? Do you feel God nudging at you? Don't run from your purpose, embrace it. Let God use you. 

    Through each testimony God will reveal healing to the broken and lost women of the world. Every testimony is different but each one has the same purpose and that is to help encourage women to seek God's Word and His Way for their lives……CLR”

    "to tell about the light so that everyone might believe because of his testimony.”John 1:7NLT