Tuesday, March 1, 2016

The Purpose

““I know that You can do everything, And that no purpose of Yours can be withheld from You.”
Job 42:2 NKJV

Everyone's life has purpose. God knows our purpose before we are even born. Some of us run from it, some of us fear it, some of us walk right into it, and for some of us it takes a lifetime before we walk in it.

For me my purpose has always been a part of who I was but I didn't realize how my purpose would change my life and help encourage others.

My journey reminds me of the journey that the Hebrews took from Mount Sinai to Kadesh-barnea. This was an 11 day journey but it took the Hebrews 40 years (Deuteronomy 1:2-3).

At the age of 42 I have finally made it to the place God has purposed me to be at this appointed time in my life. Similar to the Hebrews I wanted to follow God when everything was going good but when obstacles arouse I found myself following the ways of the world. Following the world gave me temporary satisfaction and happiness but it never lasted long. I would find myself repeating the same bad habits; bad relationships with men (boys), one-sided friendships, jobs I didn’t like, and the list goes on.

During this time I was in church, my body was there but not my spirit. I received the Word of God but I didn’t allow God to receive me. My spirit was broken and it just always seemed like I was never happy. I did a good job for the most part masking my unhappiness but when I was in the privacy of my home I cried and asked God why me, I’m a good person, I’m always helping everyone else. 

As years pasted and I kept repeating the same cycle saying “this year is my year.” Then one day I received a revelation in my life. God led someone to me that would help me understand my purpose and show me that all God wanted from me was my broken spirit (Psalms 51:17). Once I surrendered to the Lord and found myself a church that helped me understand the word I finally saw what my purpose was. It was actually revealed to me before then but I had to allow God to work on me and help me get a better understanding of the word (trust me He’s still working on me).

So once my purpose was clear, God revealed to me that through my personal testimonies it would allow God's light to shine and help encourage women to give their broken spirit to Him and He would do the rest. And that is how HerTestimony was birthed.

Through this spiritual based blog, I will be sharing a variety of testimonies, some of them mine, some from other women, and some based on scriptures in the bible.

My purpose is to be used by God. My purpose is to give Him all the glory and honor in everything I do. What is your purpose? Do you feel God nudging at you? Don't run from your purpose, embrace it. Let God use you. 

Through each testimony God will reveal healing to the broken and lost women of the world. Every testimony is different but each one has the same purpose and that is to help encourage women to seek God's Word and His Way for their lives……CLR”

"to tell about the light so that everyone might believe because of his testimony.”John 1:7NLT


  1. Let God use you to help us all. You will do great things! I am just glad I am in your life... 😍

  2. Praise GOD for your obedience and passion to share with other women how to release themselves to GOD. Certainly HE isn't asking us to fix ourselves like so many of us think. HE wants us in our broken state. After all HE created us. Amen Sis CheKesha
